Monday, March 19, 2012

Reporting LIVE from Athens, Greece !

YES I SAID ATHENS! Exciting right? Well it's our Spring Break, finally & my roommates & I booked a 10 day trip with Bus2Alp's called "Greece Island Hopping". We hit 3 different island's in a 10 day span. We are currently on island number 2, which is of course... Athens!  We just got here today & there's so much history to see. We took a bus tour around the city to see all the places that we want to visit tomorrow when we are fully rested.

The first place we hit during our Spring Break was called Corfu Island. We stayed in a hostel called the Pink Palace. It was all PINK (my favorite color). The hostel through a Pink Toga party where we had a blast! Here's a picture of me in my toga.

Pink Toga Party !
The next day we had a choice of riding a "Booze Cruise" on a pink ship that took us to a private island and to a bat cave to swim or to ride the ATV's through the island and pretty much sight see. We originally wanted to do the cruise but it was packed already so we rode the ATV's which was extremely fun BUT made me very sore. Here are some pictures from that adventure.
ATV ready.

Beautiful Beach.

That's pretty much my Spring Break for NOW ! I will hopefully update you guys when I get back to Rome with how it ended. Also I'm going to try to post about our trip to Venice & Barcelona.

...with love, 


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